You will need:
Income tax number from SARS (Must be your own)
Please note that regardless of age or status of employment, ANYONE can get a tax number from SARS. Due to the fact that it remains the same throughout your life, you can apply for one for a new born baby. All applicants MUST have one or no registration will take place.
A certified copy of your identification document.
This can be a birth certificate, ID, passport, work permit or CTR. Please note that expired CTR, work permits or passports will not be accepted and when these do indeed expire in the future, we ask that the artist email us their updated documents.
Relevant banking details.
We do not require bank statements, only the name of your bank, account number, branch number and where you opened the bank account. You may use someone else’s bank details if you do not have your own, however, this is not preferable as we will take no responsibility if the person holding your payment uses, loses or refuses to give you your money once we have paid. So ultimately it would be safer to acquire your own bank account.
The best way to sign up with us is through the in-house studio at our office in Table View. To do this you simply call our agents once you have acquired all the documentation needed on 021 556 2767 and make an appointment.
This option includes a price of R300. We do not have any registration fees or subscription fees; the R300 is for the portfolio our photographer provides you with after the shoot.
When doing the photo shoot you will need to bring 3 – 4 changes of clothing.
The first outfit being something smart/formal, as if you were going to a business meeting or fancy dinner. The second outfit will be a casual outfit, the usual day to day outfit. The third outfit we ask you to bring is an interesting outfit. This could be a sporting outfit, perhaps an interesting talent or hobby, or even a traditional outfit. Bright colours , props and instruments are highly suggested as it photographs phenomenally well and makes the Z card stand out.
When the shoot is complete you will receive a disc with all the photos taken during the shoot. You are free to use these photos for personal use and social media, however, no other agencies. If you wish to use the photographs for another agency there is an additional fee that needs to be paid to our in house photographer.
A Z card is the portfolio we send to production houses when we put you forward for work. It includes all your measurements, photographs and any additional information you filled in on the registration form i.e. Hobbies, sport activities, talents, allergies, problem products.
An open day is where you will be photographed professionally for your Z card once you have registered online. So once you have completed the registration process online, you will receive an email that notifies you that we have received your registration form. This email will also contain a time, location and date for your appointment with the photographer. You will need to bring your ID to this appointment. An open day is very similar to the studio shoot, however, there is no charge for the shoot, only one outfit is required and there will be no DVD given to you at the end of the shoot.
Register below to start the online registration process.
Please note that once your application has been submitted you will receive a confirmation email confirming we have received your application. You will also receive a time and date for your appointment to come in and do your photographs in the studio explained above.
We do not insist on our talent updating annually, however, we have noticed that is very much in their favour to update once a year, especially if sizes or hairstyles have changed. With children, due to their tendency to grow up so quickly, we recommend they come in every 6 months to update.
The reason for this is, if you have coloured or cut your hair and you have not updated your pictures, production will then not know how you look now and, if chosen for a role, you will ultimately not look like your pictures and 9 times out of 10 production sends these artists home and replaces them.
- All you have to do now is to wait for us to start smsing you. So keep your phones charged and close to you at all times.
- First you receive an availability check sms. It would say something like “Availability check rate R1000-00 shoot dates 20th to 22nd Feb please sms back yes or no.
- To ensure the bookers receive your reply, ensure you follow these three guide lines.
- Make sure you reply within two hours.
- Reply to the computer generated number you received the availability check from.
- Simply reply with “yes” or “no”.
If you have any queries or are unsure on anything, rather phone the office and speak to the booker directly.